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#2022EM22 - High Tech, High Touch

Have you ever heard of high tech and high touch? This is nothing new but it is more current than ever. This 4 word term was created by the american John Naisbitt in 1982, so practically 40 years ago, as one of the megatrends!!!! During his time, Naisbitt reinforced the necessity of having a human touch to each new technology that was launched. Not even Naisbitt could imagine how important his megatrend would become. We love the rationale that is behind it and we get a lot of inspiration from it by constantly using it in our projects.

And why is it still so current? From our point of view, everything that is backed by fundamental truths about human beings doesn’t have an expiration date. Strong ideas and concepts are atemporal. Einstein, Galileo, Freud or Jung prove this point. Their theories are eternally true.

If we think about the world we live in, where the digital, the acceleration and real time dominate, we are living under the high tech lifetime. In this universe, we coexist with chatbots, virtual assistants and algorithms. The binary logic of the 0-1 codes sets narrow and at the same, infinite limits. Big data amplifies our possibilities of comprehension and also throws us to incomprehension, since it is almost impossible to process so much data as we have available today. The cloud broke all of the frontiers. Because of this, we live at the height of high tech. It is in this vibration that we see brands build their projects and relationships with their clients. Less and less looking each other in the eye, more and more digital.

But, par excellence, human beings are moved by affection. We are born and grow up because we build a web of relationships. Without this, we don’t exist. We need the touch, each other’s warmth for our survival. In fact, we are the only species that can’t develop itself without each other’s presence. Have you ever imagined a baby without this physical presence with its mother? Therefore, we are high touch in our essence as humans. It is part of our biology, our psyche.

Brands that want to create solid and permanent bonds need to tend to these two polarities, to be providers of high tech without losing the warmth of high touch. It doesn't come as a surprise that many virtual assistants bear feminine names, Bia, Siri, Lu, Sol, Nat…it is the quest to bring together these two universes. Without this, brands become shallow, unbalanced, and incomplete. There are 2 sides of the same coin, in this case, of us as human beings and of brands that build relationships with us.


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